The Story

Hi. I’m Luna.

Macaroona was named after a nickname my friends gave me: Oona. Macarons are my newfound hobby.

It all started around Mother’s Day, when I wanted to make my mom a fun dessert that I hadn’t made before. I made her a batch of Nutella macarons. They were so good, but they looked horrible. I knew there was room to improve.

So, I did. They were pretty and tasty.

Then I made Vanilla. Then I made Pistachio.

I tweaked some recipes and kept trying more flavors. Soon enough I had Lemon, Chocolate, and Raspberry.

From there, I was inspired to find a substitute for almond flour in order to provide a nut-free option. After a handful of trial and errors, I tried sunflower seeds, and they were a hit.

See for yourself! I’m positive you’ll enjoy.

Early on in the process of testing out what worked and what didn’t.

Early on in the process of testing out what worked and what didn’t.